Physical Books

maboya 2023

Psychological horror and fiction.

The Madman known as El Ojo del Demente sold drawings that predicted the future. Or so the old women whispered. They say that countless shadows huddled around him like moths to a flame. The Waiter, known as Camarero, watched him from afar and writhed in the shadows. They murmured that death came to serve the painter with eternal slumber and his divine prophecies of a malevolent darkness from the past will finally be confronted.WARNING: Sensitive topics not suitable for a general audience. Reader discretion is recommended.
TRIGGER WARNING: This story could be triggering for survivors of sexual abuse.

Length: 5 chapters, 14 k words.
Languages: English and Spanish.
Type: Digital and physical books. Physical copy includes four extra stories!
Prices: free, or $8 USD (physical).


Eternity has
an end 2024

Short story - Ages 16+
Romance, Platonic, and taíno inspired

All the hurt Klaus suppressed came out of his mouth to hurt the most important person in his life, Calamity. Who clung to his misery and had plans to condemn all existing gods. Neither have seen each other since that day, too ashamed to face each other. Hurt, yet decided, Calamity chooses to deliver three letters for Klaus. Hoping he can put his feelings towards Klaus to rest and continue his fight for peace in the world of the living.WARNING: This story contains themes of death, suicide, grief, isolation and mental illnesses. Furthermore, abuse of power, violence, verbal abuse, and physical abuse are amongst the themes explored.

Length: Around three thousand words.
Languages: English and Spanish.
Type: Digital book.
Price: Free.


Short story - ages +18
Tragedy, drama, and fiction.

Nicole was last seen with a taxi driver who ignored her when she got into his car in pieces. Now the man works for the same people who are suspected of making her disappear. Unfortunately, he has to relive the night he had with Nicole when he tries most to forget it.WARNING: Sensitive topics not suitable for a general audience. Reader discretion is recommended.
TRIGGER WARNING: This story could be triggering for survivors of sexual abuse.

Length: 22 pages (A5).
Languages: English and Spanish.
Prices: free, or paid (Story is included in the physical copy of Dear Maboya).


POEM - Edades 16+
Tragedy, fiction.

There are rumors on the island that a woman bewitches men and all cruel humans. She has her feet backwards.WARNING: Sensitive topics not suitable for a general audience. Reader discretion is recommended.

Length: 2 pages (A5).
Languages: English and Spanish.
Prices: free, or paid (Story is included in the physical copy of Dear Maboya).


POEM - Ages 16+ with adult supervision

My body is not mine. For its owners, I am a work of art of which it's protection does not matter, only its final product. In my body there's a wake, you've made it this way.WARNING: Sensitive topics not suitable for a general audience. Reader discretion is recommended.
TRIGGER WARNING: This story could be triggering for survivors of sexual abuse.

Length: 8 pages (A5).
Languages: English and Spanish.
Prices: free, or paid (Story is included in the physical copy of Dear Maboya).

MY NAME 2024

Short sTORY - Ages 18+
Fictional story, platonic.

There's a mechanic who lives on the street, gossip says that he used to be a woman or even still is. His body and his name are his most important possessions, one day he loses everything when his name is sold.WARNING: Sensitive topics not suitable for a general audience. Reader discretion is recommended. Mentions of substance abuse, transphobia, and self-harm.
TRIGGER WARNING: This story could be triggering for survivors of sexual abuse.

Length: 10 pages (A5), 2 chapters.
Languages: english and Spanish.
Prices: free, or paid (Story is included in the physical copy of Dear Maboya).

Older books


WEBCOMIC - ages +16 with adult supervision
Psychological horror.

A mental decline slowly takes a toll that makes Void afraid of everyone, but Void isn't sure why. When Void begins to fear its partner, Ravish, everything turns into a nightmare from which it can't seem to wake up.WARNING: May contain mild violence, graphic images and suggestive or sensitive themes not suitable for a general audience; Viewer discretion is recommended.
TRIGGER WARNING: This story could trigger survivors of domestic abuse or violence.

Length: 14 chapters.
Languages: English and Spanish.
Type: Experimental webcomic.
Price: Free.


Short stories' collection.

Sometimes I don't know if I write from my heart or from my head. Drowned in grief and grief, I try to get up to escape to never-never. I would like to be reborn again, in this body.

Collection of writings, 2021-2024.Duration: Forever.
Languages: English and Spanish.
Type: Digital book.
Price: Free.

Dear maboya

Names are crucial, but nicknames say a lot more than them. They describe a person and tell you a lot about them. You mustn't act wrongly nor suspicious, or you will be judged and assigned a name that better suits your endeavors. If you wish to lose the name you were given, you must pay a price.

Dementri - Vynn Acacio Sotomayor Correa

Age: 24
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Species: ??? / Puertorriqueño
Height: 4'11” / 149.86 cm
Orientation: heteroflexible / Demiromantic

El Ojo Del Demente is a homeless painter rumored to be able to foresee the feature, they call him Dementri for short. He argues that if he did have such powers, he wouldn't be poor. The rule goes, “if I do not owe you, then you can't proclaim a favor.” He's been taken advantage of many times, he hopes that by following this rule, it would lessen. Naive, stoic, sarcastic and careless, Dementri is one of a kind. The kind of guy to hear you say you love him, and reply with a “Thank You”. He would rather express his love than admit there is any inside him, at least then, no one would hurt him.

Vynn is the twin brother of Vidal, from the story Don't Speak. At sixteen, Vynn ran away from home after an argument with his parents about something that happened with a man they called Ramón. He left behind his family, with whom he did not get along, and his sister, who was the only person he loved. Vynn didn't know anything about his family, especially his sister. His heart broke every time he saw Vidal on painting posters or on newspaper covers. The boy looked like an exact copy of himself, deep down maybe he knew it and for that reason he sometimes saved pages with his photos.

Dementri is also the main character of the poem In my body there's a wake.

Sócrates Lamis Arroyo Díaz

Age: 29
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Species: Human / Puertorriqueño
Height: 5'06” / 167.64 cm
Orientation: Bisexual

They describe him as mature, crafty, resourceful and smart. Socrates is the envy of many, at least those that aren't aware of his second life and the person he hides beneath his smile. He loves cars and is obsessed with them, from an early age he taught himself to fix them and often fixes cars as a hobby. He turned a junkyard car he was gifted into a home and currently lives inside it. Socrates had a rough childhood and often lets it slip while drunk, just by remembering it he can't help but drown in alcohol until he's either throwing up or knocked out, so he's currently trying to quit drinking. Socrates is a sex worker going by Darnell, though most use his real name. He's adored by a handful of rich men and even women, or so they imply…

Socrates is the main character in they sold my name.

El Camarero / Auxibio (Ed Homero Morel Peña)

Age: 41
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Species: Human / Puertorriqueño
Height: 6'01 / 185.42 cm
Orientation: Straight

The spiral staircase in his apartment complex seems endless most nights. His treasured routine now makes days blend together. Coffee no longer tastes the same, in fact, nothing he eats tastes like anything. There's a rumor that he's married to a prostitute he used to hook up with, though no one's ever seen him with any woman. He's short-tempered and usually resorts to violence when he's scared, only towards other men, but he'll never admit it. He's been working with Santino and Arrendador for many years, and as of recent there's been a shift in his behavior that no one can accurately point to, it's as if he's… acting. The stoic yet caring man everyone knows him as he is slowly disappearing.

Camarero is one of the protagonists from My Soul Stayed With Lucero.

Casino owner

Age: whatever you want it to be
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Species: whatever you feel him to be
Height: whatever you see him as
Orientation: anything and anyone

This man is lovely, apparently. He loves to joke around and have fun! He will put your sour mood in a bag and throw it out, he knows you deserve to feel better. Furthermore, he's rich and owns the casino, the gold of the city is at his fingertips. But he looks so bland, so normal, he easily blends in with the crowd. Despite the money, he never really goes out of his way to get anything expensive, even his clothes are thrifted. After a woman was found dead, and linked to the casino, a rumor started spreading around town about the crimes he's committed, but he's claiming his innocence. People love him for his kindness and his generosity, they have no idea he's a decrepit pervert who will eventually go after anyone he considers prey.

Lucero Sajanosica del Río

Age: 36
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Species: Human / Puertorriqueña
Height: 5'07 / 170.18 cm
Orientation: Straight

Lucero is beloved by the community. She's pretty much the mother of all, and the headmaster of el caserío, where they live. Her smart, charming, and gentle personality makes it easy for anyone to love her, including people like Ed, who look down on others based on their flaws. She's the kind of person who believes a well maintained and connected community enhances life and makes hardships easier. However, Lucero hides a very dark secret, one that very few know about, you'll find her asking questions and unmasking lies if you know where to look. Lucero embraces danger like her life depends on it. After all, she has to protect those she loves most. She hopes that by the end of it, her family can finally find closure.

Lucero is one of the protagonists from My Soul Stayed With Lucero.


Wings are a very symbolic part of the story. They can be very big or very small. Feather colors will depend on the situation the person is going through and how they feel about it. In order for wings to change color, they must first molt.

Nefasto Vacío - Ezra Campos Gautier

Age: 20
Gender: Unknown (It/Thing)
Species: Human / Puertorriqueño
Height: 5'03" / 160.02 cm
Orientation: ???

Void is a kind person and a talented writer who indulges in philosophy, literature, and poetry. It works for a newspaper company and has a very respectable job position, being one of the top-rated writers in the current scene. Although, many have never gotten a glimpse of who Void is. This was a gradual build up over a few years, something is keeping Void from being social, something it refuses to talk about.


Age: ???
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Species: ???
Height: 5'08 / 172.72 cm
Orientation: ♡Anyone♡

Ravish is a dog who likes to show a lot of affection and care. ♡ He's a bit insecure about his weight, and tends to cover up with very loose clothing. Ravish is very kind and sweet, usually he's the first one to give out a hand with no questions asked. He's very caring emotionally, and will say anything to make you feel better, though he's very bad at it. Although sometimes he's not the brightest, sometimes he just neglects his partners from affection and care. He makes up to it by buying things that he deems necessary such as food, hobby items, and clothing. He's such a good boy!

Vidal Andrea Sotomayor Correa

Age: 19
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Species: Human / Puertorriqueño
Height: 5’05” / 165.1 cm
Orientation: Bisexual

Vidal is an up-and-coming artist working for NV. He's focused on illustrating voices that can't find words for their struggles, emotions, or good moments. Vidal is full of life, he motivates everyone he stumbles across and is a shoulder to rely on. Though, this can often affect him and his relationships. If things turn out bad, he will blame himself for it all, even when it wasn't his fault. His healing journey wasn't easy, and he desperately craves to help others in theirs.

Vidal is the twin brother of Vynn (Dementri, from the story Dear Maboya). They grew up together, but one unfortunate day Vynn ran away and was never heard from again. Not until many years later when he saw Vynn on the news following the arrest of a man he thought would never be brought to justice. In the end, he didn't want to approach Vynn, fearing rejection, but most of all, because he didn't want to intrude in the life of someone who never wanted to be found. However, Vynn recognized him when the trial ended, their eyes met as Vynn turned to leave, motionless, trying to understand what he saw. When everyone had left the room, a desperate Vynn slipped between the crowd. He ran so fast, trying to catch up with his brother, that he almost fell. Finally, he caught up with him outside and lunged to knock Vidal to the ground with a hug that ended up leaving both of them in heartbreaking sobs.

Vidal is also a supporting character in Strangled in My Memory, where his presence is more involved compared to Don't Speak.


Divinities are God's who were found guilty of severe crimes. Depending on the crime, their souls are divided and scattered through [censored] in the forms of new [censored] selves. In order to retrieve parts of their souls back, the new life forms have to call to them or they must find them. If that life form decides to make a deal, only by its completion will they merge with that part of themselves again. The existence of these life forms cause butterfly effects, so it is not as easy as it seems.

Calamidad Arcángel Lamento

Age: 4,546
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Species: Divinity (God)
Height: 5’00” / 152.4 cm
Orientation: Asexual

Calamidad is the God of, well, calamity. He is a distant being, his past has made him a recluse incapable of socializing and often afraid of others. Many are well aware of his posible agoraphobia and trauma regardarding the torture he faced for rebelling. He has no interest in becoming a God again, and refuses to do his duties as God to destroy, kill and spread misery. He would rather spend time with the goeíza than kill them, for this reason the God of Life cursed him. His decisions to embrace peace have ruined and condemned all the Gods in the firmament, and this has strained his relationship with Klaus. Calamity loves life more than the God of Life herself, and is willing to risk it all to keep goeíza safe.There are rumors he has saved worlds from being destroyed, and in one of these risky undertakings, he fought with Klaus. Changing everyone's fate by choosing to destroy Klaus without laying one single finger on its skin.

Calamity is also a supporting character in Strangled in My Memory and El Escrito.

Klaus Erebus Réquiem Nocturnus

Age: ∞
Gender: Void (it/thing)
Species: Divinity (God)
Height: 6’10” / 208.28 cm
Orientation: Aromantic / Demisexual

Fueled by misfortunes, Klaus is one of the oldest Gods, as well as the most cunning. Klaus is best known as "The God Of Revenge", even though it is not. Its life forms have been scattered by the hundreds, as Klaus is currently stripped of it's God Status for the many crimes it's committed. It is well documented that it planned both cautiously, and other times carelessly, the murder of many God's. Rumor says Klaus has been the one behind many mass genocides, creating terror and fear wherever it walked. Using violence and fear as a tool to cause sin to cease to exist. Klaus has no mercy when it comes to attacking people, God's wonder how Calamidad managed to "befriend" Klaus. According to Vida, the God of life, Klaus is a dangerous thing and should not be trusted.

Klaus is also a supporting character in Strangled in My Memory and El Escrito.

In Progress

Stories that are in the works or have been paused.


Short Story - Ages: ??

Killy lives pretending to be someone she is not. She is tired and overwhelmed. Sometimes she looks at the moon and asks when she will be happy. She said many things in order to rid herself of all her intrusive thoughts. Every discomfort in her little head was a reminder of who she was. The village homes looked like tombs, the screams were calming. Killy wasn't sane, not since Iscariot ruined her life...

Caixa de Morto 2019

Short Story - Ages: ??
Absurdism, poetry and social criticism.

Project under lock and key.

Strangled in My Memory

NOVELA - Ages +18
Mystery, crimefiction, and DarkFic.

When the bell rings, a misfortune is about to happen, how many bells will it take for you to lose your sanity? Cristoper is trying to get better and right all his wrongs before his bell rings, but when someone wants him dead, death is the one thing he can't seem to avoid. His own hope begins to fade, his past ruined his reputation and no one is willing to give him a chance. The situation worsens when he is blamed for a murder he did not commit. Full of rage, he decides to fix his own world, prove his innocence, unmasking the murderer to show everyone that his mental state and his past do not make him a villain.

EL ESCRITO 2010-2019

COMIC Or NOVELA - ages 16+
Psicological, suspense, mystery, horror Y distopic fiction.

Drake has found a diary called El Escrito. He has to follow a series of codes and mysteries in order to continue revealing the things hidden in the diary, which belonged to the most wanted criminal on the island. He finds a letter on the spine of the book and quickly discovers why the diary was written, causing him to panic. There is barely time to decode the diary in its entirety before things get worse. He creates a group to help him figure things out faster, but soon the people he trusted the most stab him in the back. Drake has been missing since.


NOVELA - Ages: +19
DarkFic, Horror, action y S&M (tbh i was bored asf).

Unexpectedly, Nino is recognized as an important piece of the most feared and powerful gang in Puerto Rico by its anonymous leader, Tato. Now he has to walk on glass so Tato doesn't discover that he's actually an undercover spy for someone Tato has been desperately searching for. Nino takes calculated advantages, but quickly turns dangerous when he begins to realize that he might have made a mistake by getting too involved. What happens next is a series of unfortunate events that will bend the morale of the man who wanted to stop Tato's rain of terror.Notice: This story deals with extreme kinks and sexual themes, such as masochism and sadism, and is not suitable for minors in any way.With more than 180 thousand words written, and an indepth study of an abusive relationship, this story has not seen the light of day.


Dear reader

Most of Goathico's stories are for a mature or adult audience. Goathico explores sensitive or taboo topics through fiction. It is not intended that its content be fetishized or romanticized, and he does not write with that intention. Goathico strives to create stories based on realism and personal or witnessed experiences. This is in order to open conversations, explore a problem or provide new perspectives to people who have not experienced or perceived these issues. Since there will be characters who could express themselves in certain ways, the reader is recommended to always be aware and attentive to their behavior or mental state.Viewer discretion, reading comprehension, and critical analysis are recommended when consuming this artwork.If you or someone close to you needs help, please contact the appropriate aid organizations or sectors. In the button below, you can visit a website where Goathico has organized educational services and listed help services.Remember that pain is temporary, things may not be the way you want them to be, but there are several solutions. One of them is you and the heart that still longs in your chest.


♤ • 2000 • Puerto Rico

Goathico is a Puerto Rican artist and writer who lives his artistic identity under anonymity. His work focuses on social criticism and artivism using psychological terror, horror, expressionism, and dark styles as an aesthetic. With the themes of trauma, mental illness, and abuse throughout his art and writing, he hopes of opening a discussion about sensitive topics on the island.